
ADHD and Medication

Anxiety in Difficult Economic Times


Asserting Yourself

Career Counseling

Career Satisfaction

Choosing a Male or Female Therapist

College Students and Homesickness

Combating Holiday Stress

Common Misconceptions About Psychotherapy

Communication in Relationships

Compassion vs Competition

Conflict Resolution

Convincing a Child to Accept Counseling

Counseling for Weight Loss

Dealing with Grief and Loss During the Holidays

Depression and the Workplace


Eating Disorders

Effects of Caffeine

Emotional Intelligence

Exercise Helpful for Anxiety and Depression

Getting Others to Change

Grief and Loss

Health Effects of Motion

Help for a Loved Ones Drinking

Help for Blended Families

Helping a Loved One with Depression


Meditation and its Benefits

Mental Health Stigma

Midlife Crises


New Years Resolutions


Overview of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Parent-Teacher Communication

Re-Entry into Therapy - Selecting an Appropriate Clinician

Relationship Discord - Understanding its Roots

Relationships, Growth and Happiness Through Inner-Reflection

School Anxiety

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seeking a Medication Evaluation

Self-Help Resources

Sex Therapy

Social Anxiety

Spring Cleaning

Stages of Change


Stress Management

Teenage Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Teenage Depression

Terminating Therapy

Understanding Health Insurance

When is a Good Time to Seek Counseling

Why is Change So Difficult

Working Smarter, Not Harder

Young Adults and Risk-Taking Behavior

Scottsdale & Phoenix, AZ
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